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WENKO 3656211100 Kosmetikspiegel Deluxe Groß – Wandspiegel, höhenverstellbar, schwenkbar, Spiegelfläche ø 19cm, 500% Vergrößerung, Stahl, 23 x 28.5 x 33 cm, Chrom

75,57 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 18. Februar 2018 19:10
The wall-mounted beauty mirror Deluxe in chrome from Wenko is an extremely practical bathroom accessory. The high quality mirror has a fivefold magnifying effect for cosmetic use on the back, as well as the 1:1 mirror surface on the front. The wall-mounted mirror Deluxe in an elegant design has an infinitely variable swivel function, is foldable and height-adjustable. The length of the swivel arm is approx. 31 cm with a large mirror surface with a diameter of 19 cm.


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75,57 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 18. Februar 2018 19:10

75,57 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 18. Februar 2018 19:10